Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Radioactive Dating

Dating techniques are procedures used by scientists to determine the age of a specimen. 2 types of Dating: *Relative Dating *Absolute Dating Relative Dating -methods tell only if one sample is older or younger than another sample. -They do not provide an age in years. Stratigraphy -Main Relative Dating Method -is the study of layers of rocks or the objects embedded within those layers. -based on the assumption that deeper layers were deposited earlier, and thus are older than more shallow layers. Seriation is the ordering of objects according to their age.James Ford – used seriation to determine the chronological order of American Indian pottery styles in the Mississippi Valley. Absolute dating * any method of measuring the age of an event or object in years. * To determine the absolute ages of fossils and rocks, * scientists analyze isotopes of radioactive elements. Isotopes * atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. * Most isotopes are stable, meaning that they stay in their original form. * Other isotopes are unstable. * Scientists call unstable isotopes radioactive.Radioactive decay * Radioactive isotopes tend to break down into stable isotopes of the same or other elements. * Refers to the process in which a radioactive form of an element is converted into a decay product at a regular rate. – This dating is not a single method of absolute dating but instead a group of related methods for absolute dating of samples. * Because radioactive decay occurs at a steady rate, * Scientists can use the relative amounts of stable and unstable isotopes present in an object to determine the object’s age. Dating Rocks — How Does It Work? In radioactive decay, an unstable radioactive isotope of one element breaks down into a stable isotope.* The stable isotope may be of the same element or of a different element. Parent isotope * The unstable radioactive isotope. Daughter isotope * The st able isotope produced by the radioactive decay of the parent isotope. * The rate of radioactive decay is constant so scientists can compare the amount of parent material with the amount of daughter material to date rock. The more daughter material there is the older the rock is. Absolute Dating Methods Cation-Ratio Dating – used to date rock surfaces such as stone artifacts and cliff and ground drawings.-this technique can only be applied to rocks from desert areas, where the varnish is most stable. *Thermoluminescence Dating – very useful for determining the age of pottery. Has the advantage of covering the time interval between radiocarbon and pottasium-argon dating or 40,000,000 years. *Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) – very similar to thermoluminescence dating, both of which are considered â€Å"clock setting†. * This technique can be used to determine the age of unheated sediments les than 500,000 years old. a disadvantage to this technique i s that in order to get accurate results, the sediment to be tested cannot be exposed to light, making sampling difficult. Radiometric Dating Determining the absolute age of a sample, based on the ratio of parent material to daughter material. If you know the rate of decay for a radioactive element in a rock you can figure out the absolute age of the rock. Half-life * the time needed for half of a sample of a radioactive substance to undergo radioactive decay.After every half-life, the amount of parent material decrease by one-half. Types of Radiometric Dating Scientists use different radiometric-dating methods based on the estimated age of an object. * There are four radiometric-dating techniques. 1. Potassium-Argon Method * Potassium-40 has a half-life of 1. 3 billion years, and it decays leaving a daughter material of argon. * This method is used mainly to date rocks older than 100,000 years. * Relies on the fact that when volcanic rocks are heated to extremely high temperatures, they release any argon trapped in them. 2. Uranium-Lead Method * Uranium-238 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 4. 5 billion years.Uranium-238 decays in a series of steps to lead-206. * The uranium-lead method can be used to date rocks more than 10 million years old. 2 types of Uranium-Lead Dating *Daughter deficiency methods *Daughter excess methods * In daughter deficiency situations, the parent radioisotope is initially deposited by itself, without its daughter (the isotope into which it decays) present. * In the case of daughter excess, a larger amount of the daughter is initially deposited than the parent. 3. Rubidium-Strontium Method * The unstable parent isotope rubidium-87 forms a stable daughter isotope strontium-87.The half-life of rubidium-87 is 49 billion years * This method is used for rocks older than 10 million years. 4. Carbon-14 Method * used to date charcoal, wood, and other biological materials. * Carbon is normally found in three forms,, the stable isot opes carbon-12 and carbon-13 and the radioactive isotope carbon-14. * Living plants and animals contain a constant ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12. 1. Once a plant or animal dies, no new carbon is taken in. 2. The amount of carbon-14 begins to decrease as the plant or animal decays. 3. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5,730 years.The carbon-14 method of radiometric dating is used mainly for dating things that lived within the last 50,000 years. – Radiocarbon (14C) is a radioactive form of the element carbon. It decays spontaneously into nitrogen-14 (14N). Fossils: evidence of past life Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals (also known aszoolites), plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is known as the fossil record. -Fossilization processes proceed differently according to tissue type and e xternal conditions:– 1. Permineralization is a process of fossilization that occurs when an organism is buried. .2. Casts and molds The remaining organism-shaped hole in the rock is called an external mold. If this hole is later filled with other minerals, it is a cast. An endocast or internal mold is formed when sediments or minerals fill the internal cavity of an organism. 3. Authigenic mineralisation This is a special form of cast and mold formation. he organism (or fragment of organism) can act as a nucleus for the precipitation of minerals such as siderite, resulting in a nodule forming around it. 4. Replacement and recrystallization Replacement occurs when the shell, bone or other tissue is replaced with another mineral. A shell is said to be recrystallized when the original skeletal compounds are still present but in a different crystal form, as from aragonite to calcite. 5. Adpression (compression-impression) Compression Fossils, such as those of fossil ferns, are the result of chemical reduction of the complex organic molecules composing the organism's tissues.However, the phytoleim is lost and all that remains is an impression of the organism in the rock-an impression fossil. 6. Carbon films are thin film coatings which consist predominantly of the chemical element carbon. 7. Bioimmuration occurs when a skeletal organism overgrows or otherwise subsumes another organism, preserving the latter, or an impression of it, within the skeleton Palaeontologists rely on stratigraphy to date fossils. Stratigraphy is the science of deciphering the â€Å"layer-cake† that is the sedimentary record.If a fossil is found between two layers whose ages are known, the fossil's age is claimed to lie between the two known ages. Types of Fossils: 1. Index – (also known as guide fossils, indicator fossils or zone fossils) are fossils used to define and identify geologic periods (or faunal stages). 2. Trace – consist mainly of tracks and burrows, but also include coprolites (fossil feces) and marks left by feeding. – are particularly significant because they represent a data source that is not limited to animals with easily-fossilized hard parts, and they reflect animal behaviours.Transitional – is any fossilized remains of a life form that exhibits traits common to both an ancestral group and its derived descendant group. This is especially important where the descendant group is sharply differentiated by gross anatomy and mode of living from the ancestral group. 4. Microfossils a descriptive term applied to fossilized plants and animals whose size is just at or below the level at which the fossil can be analyzed by the naked eye. 5. Resin Fossil resin (colloquially called amber) is a natural polymer found in many types of strata throughout the world, even the Arctic.Derived A derived, reworked or remanià © fossil is a fossil found in rock made significantly later than when the fossilized animal or plant died : it happens when a hard fossil is freed from a soft rock formation by erosion and redeposited in a currently forming sedimentary deposit. 7. Wood -wood that is preserved in the fossil record. Wood is usually the part of a plant that is best preserved (and most easily found). Fossil wood may or may not be petrified. The fossil wood may be the only part of the plant that has been preserved: therefore such wood may get a special kind of botanical name.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Irish BY nckyb23 Irish Influencing America Ways The Irish traditions influence many things in American that we Americans really barely even realize The annual celebration of Saint Patrick's Day is a generally known as a sign of the Irish existence in America. One of the largest celebrations of the Irish holiday takes place in New York, where the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade draws anywhere to two million people. The second-largest celebration is held in Boston at the South Boston Parade. It's one the nation's oldest dating back to 1737. On day like St.Patrick's Day Irish music is played everywhere the same Irish song that date back o the 1700s Irish traditional music in the United States has its own history, both in recording culture and by live performances. Emigrants from Ireland brought their instruments and traditions to the United States since the earliest days of European colonization of the New World. The learning and playing of Irish music by first and second generation Iri sh-Americans helped the spread of Irish music. And then yet another is the widespread interest in the music.In the 1890s, Irish music entered a â€Å"golden age† centered on the lively scene in New York City. Though the golden age nded by the Great Depression, the 1950s saw a highpoint of Irish music, added by the foundation of the City Center Ballroom in New York where Irish gatherings are held. In the Depression and World War, Irish traditional music in New York was belittled by showband culture. Performers like Jack Coen, Paddy O'Brien, Larry Redican, and Paddy Reynolds kept the tradition alive in the United States, and were teachers of the music to Irish Americans.Many of the great Irish American performers like Andy McGann, Brian Conway, Joannie Madden, Jerry O'Sullivan, Liz Carroll and Billy McComiskey would achieve many accomplishments in the traditional usic usually associated with native Irish. Later Irish emigration to New York and beyond by James Keane, Mick Molone y, Paddy Keenan, and others through the 1960s, 1970s and 80s, ensured the music performed in America stayed The Irish music was such a big influence that it had people making collections like Francis O'Neill.He was a Chicago police chief who collected the single largest collection of Irish traditional music ever published. He was a flautist and piper who was part of a vibrant Irish community in Chicago at the time, one that included some forty thousand people, ncluding musicians from â€Å"all thirty-two counties of Ireland†, according to Nicholas Carolan, who referred to O'Neill as â€Å"the greatest individual influence on the evolution of Irish traditional dance music in the twentieth century† connected to Ireland.The Irish population didn't only Just influence Americans to like there music they also had their influence in other positions in society. The Boston Celtics is a prime example of this. Many Irish immigrants came to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia ports on ships from Ireland. By the time the Boston Celtics basketball team started, Boston had a large Irish ethnic population. Celtic is another name for Irish, and these names are used often. Today Boston has the largest Irish population of any American city.The person who chose the name had an Irish friend named McHugh and decided to name the team Celtics. The Irish are known for green, and the Celtics uniforms are green. You can't say Irish in American without pub behind it A pub is very important to the Irish people. It's where they could sit back, relax, enjoy a few good stories, and share a goodtime with others. American-Irish people have made Pubs very popular simply for the aspect of the alcohol and traditional sing alongs. The two aspects have attracted more than Just Irish people.Folks of all ethnicities go to Irish pubs for a drink and have a good time. As you can see Irish Americans have been in America changing culture for many years and for those many year contributed to U. S. culture in a wide variety of fields: I only explained a few that really interest myself the most but they have influenced many other Aspects of Untied States culture like the fine and performing arts, film, literature, politics, and religion. Irish people have done a great deal of influencing American culture.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Export Strategy for a Bridge Joint Manufacture Essay

An Export Strategy for a Bridge Joint Manufacture - Essay Example Ennis Prismo in terms of rendering services in such various categories related to public needs focuses to enhance on the dimension of safety, reliability, accountability and innovation. Ennis Prismo, an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified company has gained the experience to serve the different service and product categories through the rendering of quality and high standard products. Ennis Prismo operating from its manufacturing plant based in Chorley, United Kingdom focuses on gaining market in different regions pertaining to European and African nations and also to countries relating to Middle East. Thus Ennis Prismo operating both in the traffic and other manufacturing and construction sectors pertaining to roads and bridges has become a highly known brand. Ennis Prismo in addition to marketing its products pertaining to European, African and other Middle East regions is now focusing to gain an effective entry into the American markets for its Bridge Joint products. The paper in thi s regard would tend to focus on the feasibility of the United States market as a growing export region for Bridge Joints manufactured by Ennis Prismo (Ennis Prismo, n.d.). Business and Market Environment Analysis The business and marketing environment for Bridge Joints in United States would be analysed based on two models based on PESTLE Analysis and also based on evaluation of the Industrial Life Cycle for the same in the region. PESTEL Analysis Political Political environment pertaining to the construction of bridges in United States being analysed reflects that the government of the region focuses more on the repairs and development of existing bridge structures rather than focusing on the construction of new bridges. A survey conducted based on the 2009 period states that out of the total expenditure incurred by United States government on infrastructural development only 6.2 percent was dedicated for the construction of new bridges and highways. However of late political empha sis pertaining to bridge construction is found to change with the collaboration of private bodies thereby gradually cultivating a market for the need of Bridge Joints (The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lines Written a few miles above Tintern Abbey Essay

Lines Written a few miles above Tintern Abbey - Essay Example Characteristics of the genre identified by Welleck (2003) include a â€Å"revolt against the principles of neo-classicism criticism, the rediscovery of older English literature, the turn toward subjectivity and the worship of external nature slowly prepared during the eighteenth century and stated boldly in Wordsworth and Shelley† (196). The period idolized the imagination as the highest of human capacities due largely in part to its creative abilities and as a means of reacting to sweeping change in every aspect of life. It also esteemed nature not only because of the creative element inherent in it, but also because of the manifestation of the imagination that could be found within it in the sense that we create what we see. The world was full of symbols and signs that would portend future events and actions which were knowable through their relationship to the myths and legends of antiquity. The work of William Wordsworth epitomizes this period in the style and content of h is writing as is seen in his poem â€Å"Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey† (â€Å"Tintern Abbey†). The poem is structured in what is termed free verse and relates the thoughts and impressions of the poet as he revisits a place in the country he once knew quite well. In the poem, Wordsworth describes his impressions of returning to Tintern Abbey after a five year absence. Although his life has changed a great deal in the intervening years, he continues to point to areas in which nature demonstrates her constancy, such as in the flowing of the Wye and the presence of the old abbey. Wordsworth uses nature to establish a connection between himself and his understanding by using the ‘language of the senses’ to stabilize his thoughts. This language specifically names the objects seen in nature, therefore rendering it understandable by those who are not male, not educated and not fully

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Argumentation-Persuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Argumentation-Persuasion - Essay Example The author critically provides reason and thought to come up with a conclusion about his position. For example, he analyses the Millennium challenge account by the Bush administration (Zakaria 1). The author then provides both the pros and cons of the strategy. The author addresses an agreeable audience. By providing logic and reasoning on the different options and strategies he presents, the author appears to have an agreeable audience. For every proposition presented, there is a reason and thought towards it. This gets to draw on an agreeable audience for the author. The author applies inductive reasoning to reach the conclusion that America is correct on good government policies, but American policies need improving. The author bases his argument from bottom-up logic. The author analyses specific examples on the strategies in place to end poverty in Africa before arriving to his conclusion. In ‘realism and responsibility’ the author applies various literal techniques that get to assist him to convey his message. The author uses logos and inductive reasoning to communicate to his audience. These techniques assist the author to have a comprehensive and well written

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is Prvnt_on lwys Bttr thn Cur The case of Brst Cncr Scrn_ng Assignment

Is Prvnt_on lwys Bttr thn Cur The case of Brst Cncr Scrn_ng - Assignment Example The introduction of the new health care policy in the 1970’s which emphasized on health promotion as the proposed strategy for the prevention of diseases, in particular diseases in which lifestyle factors had a definitive causative role, marked the beginning of this new era of preventive medicine (Larsen, 2010). Over the centuries, there has been a widespread belief amongst both the health care providers and the general population that prevention is better than cure. However, the effectiveness of such an approach towards health care is oft debated and more recently, the term ‘Preventionitis,’ which challenges this belief, has evolved and has gained popularity. Preventionitis’ is a political term that seeks to question the commonly held belief that prevention is a better and a more cost effective method, than curing a range of the nation’s health problems. In the view of many, some preventative medicine works whilst much does not. In addition, the cos ts of failure are high and this challenges the dogma that prevention is cheaper than cure (Le Fanu & Social Affairs Unit, 1994). The provision of preventive health services falls under the domain of public health. Public health is an umbrella term which encompasses a wide range of health services offered to the public and has been defined as ‘The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organised efforts of the society (Ewles & Simnett, 2003).’ Preventive Medicine offers a wide range of services for the public, including and not limited to, personal health checks, family planning and immunization (Ewles & Simnett, 2003). In addition, other services offered include health education, screening for various diseases, counselling regarding health care and adaptation of healthy behaviours, and provision of preventive medications in cases where it is available (USPSTF, 2010). It is important to remember, however, that public health is a multidisciplinary and multifaceted phenomenon and its scope is not just limited to the aforementioned services. The opponents of the preventive approach to health care present several arguments against the effectiveness of preventive strategies in health promotion. It is believed that prevention of illness is limited by the fact that most of us live out our natural lifespan and die of disease that is determined by the ageing process; since this is a predetermined phenomenon, any improvement in an individual’s lifespan or quality of life is small (Le Fanu & Social Affairs Unit, 1994). Studies have revealed that the increase in life expectancy by preventing or curing all cancers for those between the ages of 15 and 65, even if this were possible, would be only seven months. Moreover, the limitation of prevention policies by epidemiology, which raises association between disease and life style factors, is unhelpful in providing proof (Le Fanu & Social Affairs Unit, 1994). Thu s, all these factors have contributed towards the questionable nature of the efficacy of preventive health services being offered to the public. An important aspect of preventive health is health awareness which can be achieved by health education. An effective strategy in promoting screening modalities for cancers amongst the general public is by means of mass awareness campaigns. Awareness campaigns relating to cancer are common at the present

Analyzing the Bull Profile Series by Roy Lichtenstein Essay

Analyzing the Bull Profile Series by Roy Lichtenstein - Essay Example Or, it could be a sequential explanation on how Liechtenstein transformed his subject, an everyday bull that looks uninteresting to a more vibrant and beautiful art form. The artwork as a whole fits into the sequence created by the exhibition space because it was able to successfully tell a narrative that the audience understand. In this case, it is the transformation of the bull to an interesting art form. Or it could also be a tutorial or an illustration on how Liechtenstein create his artworks by breaking the elements of the bull in each sequence and then adding distortion and color to breathe life to the subject. It has to be understand that the sequence created by the exhibition space is meant to tell a story. Such exhibition space can range from the walls of a gallery to the sketch pad of the artist or even the monumental walls of Egypt where the sequence of hieroglyphic fitted the exhibition

Thursday, July 25, 2019

QUESTION What issues of the convention of ministerial responsibility Essay

QUESTION What issues of the convention of ministerial responsibility do the facts of the above scenario raise - Essay Example The office bearers are answerable to the parliament in general and the constitution of UK is strong enough to keep a check on everyone who has power and who is holding the offices in various ministries. To ensure the departments and governing bodies work properly, the government has a set of rules, and the responsibilities of these ministries are known to the general public. Thus if anyone goes against the norm, it is noticed and pointed out by the general public. The scenario created in the case is a very interesting one. First, the family minister who is supposed to protect the family unit and its respect is having an extra marital affair. Then the minister of social welfare is not willing to accept her fault and as a result lots of people are kept waiting for their social welfare funds. Thirdly, the prime minister simply finds it easy to ignore the no confidence vote!!! If for a moment one believes that this could happen in the UK government and House of Commons, it means that there practically would be no constitution to stop the powerful from destroying those who are powerless against them. Well, thanks heavens, this is not the case in general. The case is a piece of fiction which is too far fetched. In the past we do have examples of ministers who have abided by the rules and legislations provided to them by the constitution. Constitution for any elected government is the supreme authority. With the constitution in place, the ministers have the guideline for them to work upon. The Crichel Down Affair (1954) is one case that proves the importance of ministerial responsibility. : "Crichel Down was a piece of farmland in Dorset compulsorily bought by the government for defence use. Commander George Martin, son of the original farmer, wanted to buy the land back in the 1950s now that it was no longer used by the MoD. However the Ministry of Agriculture resisted, wanting to use the land for experimental farming in a time of rationing and agricultural development. However, Martin, a former equerry in the Royal Family, had very influential friends and stirred up much trouble in the local Conservative Party and government backbenches. There followed a public inquiry which criticized the department's decision and civil servants, especially their methods. It was seen as an example of an over-powerful state. Finally Dugdale announced that Martin could buy the land back and told the House of Commons he was resigning." Dugdale's resignation went down in history as an h onourable, even heroic, one: a minister taking responsibility for civil servant's actions. ( The issues raised by the scenario: Keeping this incident in view, the question that comes to my mind to carry forward this debate is that what are the measures taken by the government to ensure that the ministers are able to meet their responsibilities Is it just natural that the personal affairs of a minister can be a real concern in the dispensation of his or her public duties What are the ministerial ethics we are looking for Do the media have any role in pointing the faults of ministers out to them Also, we need to know if collective Ministerial Responsibility myth or a reality With reference to the scenario stated, an extra marital affair, which is specifically in the personal interest of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Power over Ethernet Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Power over Ethernet - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in modern networking infrastructure, information technology and data center managers are seeking â€Å"green† alternatives for reducing the power consumed by Ethernet switch/router and server equipment†. This helps them create such products that are environmentally friendly and are cheap also. One such facility is power over Ethernet. The contemporary organizations can greatly benefit from the advantages of the integration of power over Ethernet in their designs of the network. There are numerous benefits of power over Ethernet both from the standpoint of network efficiency and cost. Integrating power over Ethernet into the network designs eradicates the constraint of having the outlets of AC power. As a result of this, the flexibility of placing such network equipment enabled by power over Ethernet as VoIP phones, IP cameras, and the wireless access points in the locations of choice rather than the locations with power su pply is increased. Using the power over Ethernet, organizations can place the networking devices optimally so that the efficiency of network designs can be enhanced and the performance of the application can be improved. Using power over Ethernet, equipment can be easily placed on the ceilings, walls, as well as outdoors to improve the network performance. Use of power over Ethernet diminishes the electrical component from the projects of network installation. The requirement of coordinating the AC power outlet installation and compensating for it does not impact the schedules and budgets. This results in more convenient, quicker, and cost effective network installation. Easier Temporary Deployments When the network devices and switches are enabled by power over Ethernet, changes, moves, and network adds can be achieved faster. â€Å"PoE allows devices that require power, called Powered Devices (PDs), such as IP telephones, wireless LAN Access Points, and network cameras to receive power in addition to data, over existing infrastructure without needing to upgrade it† (â€Å"How To† 2). The completion of network modifications or network upgrades no longer caused delays in the business. In addition to that, the flexibility of the network is increased and the network’s tendency to accommodate the modifications is enhanced. Moreover, organizations can also easily deploy mobile structures like classrooms, offices, and tradeshows with power over Ethernet because the need to install more power for the support of the networking devices is eliminated. Centralization of Power Management Use of the power over Ethernet infrastructure provides the facility of centralized power management for the network devices that are critical for the mission. When the power outrage happens, such networking devices as the IP security cameras and the VoIP phones become dysfunctional in the absence of the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to protect them. The organizations need to install several UPS systems to distribute the network equipment throughout the building. â€Å"A PoE solution only requires technicians to run one Ethernet cable to the access point for supplying both power and data† (Geier). The need to install numerous UPS systems is eradicated when the power over Ethernet is employed because the organization can have a single UPS that is centrally managed to provide the PSE equipment with the backup power. Thus, the critical networking devices do not become inoperable even in the incidents of power outrages (Pula). In addition to that, centralized management of pow er enables the capabilities of remote reset or shutdown. Disadvantages Only Useful for Low-power Applications One disadvantage of power over Ethernet is that it is presently in its infancy stage and cannot support equipment that requires high power (Sawyer cited in Gittlen).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Unit 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 11 - Essay Example From this strategy, empowerment of menial groups is enabled. Empowerment develops the confidence and approaches for social chance. However, the reading share the assumption that working together is required regardless of the strategies implemented. The solutions provided in the readings are accurate and reliable. For instance, there is the assertion that individual and group activism is mandatory towards achieving social change (Lecture notes par 1). From this argument, one may point out that activism acts as the voice of the oppressed. Any form of activism is important in creating awareness and sensitivity towards equality. Consequently, acts of activism may influence changes in policies, laws and daily lives. However, a change in the daily life would be more important. If the perception of the society towards equality is changed, it would be easier to implement other changes in policies and laws. Policies and laws may change the behavior of people but it may not change the negativity in people’s perception of minority

Monday, July 22, 2019

Macbeth and Famous Tragedies Essay Example for Free

Macbeth and Famous Tragedies Essay Macbeth is one of the most famous tragedies of Shakespeare. It is divided into five acts focusing on Macbeth and sometimes other characters that affect Macbeth. The two main characters in the play are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who are well-developed. After Macbeth killed King Duncan of Scotland, he and his wife, Lady Macbeth, became King and Queen of Scotland. However, they did not have peaceful life as what they wanted. They always felt worried and insecure. In act five scene five, when Sayton, Macbeth’s servant, told him of Lady Macbeth’s death, he talked to himself as his response to this news. Macbeth thought that time went slowly: â€Å"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time;† The soliloquy of Macbeth means that how the days stretched out. Each day is the same as the one before and they would continue to do so until the end of time. It made Macbeth felt bored, so time perhaps went slowly to him. We could see another reason why Macbeth felt time went slowly. Actually, Macbeth is not a bad man. He loved Lady Macbeth so much. Therefore, he was convinced to be the murder of King Duncan by her so that they had the power to do whatever they wanted. Those days were yesterdays and past time of him. He wanted to come to tomorrow because each tomorrow means the last day of all yesterdays when Macbeth spent to kill people. The looking forward could make time go more slowly than it was. Beside, after Lady Macbeth to whom he spent all his love died, life for him was not meaningful any more. It also made him as well as people in the situation like him feel the days went slowly. With the great ability of using figurative language and the exquisite style of writing, Shakespeare contributed to the success of the play especially act five scene five that is best-known part of the play.

Leadership approach suggested by Lao Tzu

Leadership approach suggested by Lao Tzu First of all let us define leadership? Leadership is a very essential issue and can be understood in different views. It would be very hard to give leadership a general definition because many writers have tried without reaching an accord. According to Mullins, 2005, Good Leadership involves the effective process of delegation and empowerment. The Leadership relationship is not limited to leader behaviour resulting in subordinate behaviour Susan Ward, 1997 gave a simple definition of Leadership as the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. Leadership in simplest terms can be defined as an ability through which you can gain followers. To gain followers requires authority but does not exclude the lack of reliability to achieve this. Whether you are the managing director or a shift leader, the way you lead is the single biggest success factor for everyone you work with. Leaders change the organisations around them. They make a difference to the business, rather than just making the business work. Leadership is about what you do. It involves learnable skills that can be applied to the tasks that occur in every business. Storr A. 1996 Leaders can generally be defined as those who take action when they do not want to leave things to chance. Leadership can also be defined as an instrument of goal achievement Bass 1990:15-16 Leadership is behaviour, not a position Bass 1990 The superior leader gets things done with very little motion. He imparts instruction not through many words but through a few deeds. He keeps informed about everything but interferes hardly at all. He is a catalyst, and though things would not get done well if he werent there, when they succeed he takes no credit. And because he takes no credit, credit never leaves him. Lao Tse, Tao Te Ching Famous Quotes on Leadership To lead people, walk beside them As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honour and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate When the best leaders work is done the people say, We did it ourselves!' Lao-tsu If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall in the ditch. Jesus Christ Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry. Winston Churchill Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50% of your time in leading yourself-your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20% leading those with authority over you and 15% leading your peers. Dee Hock Founder and CEO Emeritus, Visa Leadership is intentional influence. Michael McKinney People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives. Theodore Roosevelt Four rules of leadership in a free legislative body: First, no matter how hard-fought the issue, never get personal. Dont say or do anything that may come back to haunt you on another issue, another day. Second, do your homework. You cant lead without knowing what youre talking about. Third, the American legislative process is one of give and take. Use your power as a leader to persuade, not intimidate. Fourth, be considerate of the needs of your colleagues, even if theyre at the bottom of the totem pole. George Bush Former President of the United States Chester Barnard, 1997, believes that a good leader must have qualities such as Validity, Endurance, Intellectual Capacity, Persuasiveness and he should be responsible for any decision taken. THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP The Rise of Contemporary Leadership Theory Theories of leadership in any period are driven by a set of convictions and hopes on the part of the theorist. One certainty is that swift societal development makes it crucial to keep ones pulse on social changes and their implications for how groups of human beings can best be led, a natural assumption in the writings of leadership theorist Rosabeth Moss Kanter and numerous other scholars. A challenging view is that human nature is stagnant and unchanging and that the lasting lessons of history provide surer instruction in leadership than do the passing ripples of modernity. Ironically, the exemplars of this view are relatively ancient figures such as Lao Tzu and Machiavelli TRAIT THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: Trait theory is all about the types of personality tendencies and behaviour linked through effective leadership. Many theorists argued that key leadership trait include motivation; desire to seek power, self confidence to name a few. The biggest disapproval of this theory is that it suggests that leadership personality are inherited hence one is born with them. BEHAVIORAL AND STYLE THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: Another theory you should include in your leadership dissertation is Behavioural and style theory of leadership. In this theory the theorists stated that unlike the trait theory, leadership is not a set of traits but a pattern of motives. The Behavioural leadership grid model by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton based on concern for people and concern for productivity which are the basis of five different leadership styles. Studying this model will give you very clear emphasize of how to identify a clear leader. SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORY: This theory presumes that different styles of leaderships are better in different situations. Many theorists have given their views about this theory. Its better to understand what each theorist proposes as to understand what they perceive is the right action on a certain situation. CONTIGENCY THEORY: Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers, and aspects of the situation. PARTICIPATIVE THEORY: Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. MANAGEMENT THEORY: Management theories (also known as Transactional theories) focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of reward and punishment. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are rewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished. RELATIONSHIP THEORY: Relationship theories (also known as Transformational theories) focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. These leaders motivate and inspire people by helping group members see the importance and higher good of the task. Transformational leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but also want each person to fulfil his or her potential. These leaders often have high ethical and moral standards. Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Kendra Van Wagner, 2001 Leadership at All Levels Leadership whoever is doing it is about creating positive change to achieve long-term objectives. 1.1 Leadership involves setting goals, then moving the business towards them. Making the best use of resources, including peoples potential, is the key skill. 1.2 Leaders have to earn the authority to lead. For example, in a new job you should usually start by asking questions. You need a sound knowledge base before you start making decisions on technical issues. People need to be convinced of a leaders expertise and determination. 1.3 Leading a team means developing and motivating individuals and group. This includes helping people find meaning and purpose in what they are doing, so that it is seen to be worthwhile. Leaders create more leaders. By setting a positive example and allowing people to learn and develop on the job, you encourage them to take a more proactive role. 1.4 Leaders must often press ahead where managers see problems and back off. For example, every new product idea will face a series of obstacles. A leader will find a way around each of them. Leaders at supervisor or office level need backing, as it is often difficult for them to be recognised as leaders by their workmates. Odirone, George S. 1961. How managers make things happen VIEWS ON LEADERSHIP Leaders and leading are different. Leading is initiating change by developing the plan, implementing and evaluating the plan. Leaders work with others at all levels to explore the nature of the required change. A leader learns from others, mentors, and coaches. Leading is the verb, leader the noun. Both are necessary for change. Linda Burnes, 2001 Leadership is self discovery, and facilitation for others. It is the energy potential that evolves from the synergy of being in the right place and in the right frame of mind at the right time. This definition requires one to intuitively discover self, develop keen intuition, seek a positive attitude, utilize active listening skills and practice honest communications. Bass 1990 Leadership could also be the balancing energy for mind, body and spirit harmony. Leadership can be compassionate: Compassionate leadership is the ability to be there for others, without withdrawing and without judgment. Unconditional compassion for us leads naturally to unconditional compassion for others. There are whole parts of ourselves that are so unwanted that whenever they begin to emerge in ourselves or others, we run away. We can learn to use all the unwanted things in our lives to awaken compassion for ourselves and others. We can then relate compassionately to people and things we would rather push away. A compassionate leader is centred, accepting, honest and clear, helping others find their path toward wholeness while seeking wholeness oneself. LAO-TZU view on Leadership To lead people, walk beside them As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honour and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate When the best leaders work is done the people say, We did it ourselves! Lao Tzu From the above quote from Lao Tzu, his views on what a good leader should be are listed below: A good leader should be able to always sort himself out by adopting an array of self-oriented mechanisms to improve self performances such as self goal-setting, self-reward, self-criticism and by reconstructing his approach to management in alignment with the strategy of being a good leader. A good leader should always be able to walk the talk, and to demonstrate the tight link between rhetoric and deed to others. A good leader should apply this attitude to his subordinates, embracing them in their own goal-setting and provide positive strokes wherever possible. A good leader should believe in team work and have a self-leading culture. A good leader should be selfless, extremely humble and never take full praise for any success the team makes. Manz and Sims 1991 CONTEMPORARY LEADERSHIP Democratic Leadership This is a type of contemporary leadership. Unlike Lao Tzu, Bass (1990) defined leadership a general definition on Leadership. He defines Leadership as an interaction between two or more members of a group that often involves a structuring or restructuring of the situation and the perceptions and expectations of the members. He also explained that Leadership occurs when one group member modifies the motivation or competencies of others in the group. Any member of the group can exhibit some amount of leadership His own view on leadership is viewed as constituting only constructive behaviours aimed at pursuing group goals. This type of leadership was described by Lewin and Lippitt 1938; as a kind of leadership that involves the democratic leaders relying upon group decision-making, active member involvement, honest praise and criticism, and a degree of comradeship. They believed leaders using the other styles were either domineering or uninvolved. In democratic leadership, Kutner (1950:460) explains that Leaders need authority but the delegation of authority in a democratic group is never a mandate for any leader to employ authority without the eventual approval of the group. Democratic leaders are the kind that must be accountable for the decisions they make as individuals and the roles they play in the democratic group. (Starhawk 1986) Their position in the network of power relations also makes these leaders responsible for making lines of authority, power and decision making clear and visible. They must keep their agendas and motivesopen and visible, not hidden. (Starhawk 1986; 272) Conceptions of Democratic Leadership Distributing Responsibility among the Democratic group (DEMO) Here, the democratic leader seeks to spread responsibility rather than to concentrate it. The essence of democratic leadership is that it shall promote opportunities for the fitting initiative of those within the society, and in the manner the latter desire. Nagel (1987) goes further arguing that democratic leadership should not merely ask members to take on responsibility; at times, the democratic leader must be demanding in reminding people of their collective responsibilities. Some members may be less than enthusiastic to do their share, and leaders who allow free riders to exploit fellow citizens do not serve their communities well. Empowerment Here, Gibbs (1971) describes this as asking fellow members of the DEMOs to take on responsibility, this is one of many ways in leaders can help develop members decision making capabilities. The members must be skilled at wide variety of tasks, such as speaking, thinking and organizing (Evans and Boyte 1986). Democratic Leadership can augment members skills by setting high but reasonable standards and asking members to challenge themselves (Tead 1935). Members ability may develop through taking on new responsibilities, but leaders can also pay a direct role by offering instruction or suggestion, particularly when asked to do so. Democratic leaders show genuine care and concern for the members of the DEMO (Starhawk 1986, Desjardins and Brown 1991) but not in a way that makes them into a substitute parent of guardian. A democratic leader must never manipulate the masses through shrewd exploitation of their mentality Aiding Deliberation Democratic Leaders must distribute responsibility appropriately and empower other group members, but they must devote the bulk of their time and energy to ensuring productive and democratic decision-making. Deliberation is the heart of democracy (Barber 1984; Mathews 1988) Democratic leadership aids the deliberative process through constructive participation facilitation, and the maintenance of healthy relationships and a positive emotional setting. Conclusion In conclusion, one would believe this quote from Linda Burnes saying Leaders and leading are different. Leading is initiating change by developing the plan, implementing and evaluating the plan. Leaders work with others at all levels to explore the nature of the required change. As a leader you have to learn to commune your idea or the vision of your company to the people you want to follow you. You must have zeal because you have to show your followers that you want to accomplish the goal as badly as they do, your zeal will drive them. You must learn to be a great decision maker. Sometimes, leaders must face times of pressure where they are forced to make quick decisions; a great leader must have this skill. You must be a team builder. To become a great leader, you must first make your followers great, you must have the authority to give your team responsibilities, and trust them too, and you must slowly make them greater and greater. You must also have character because your innate character strengths play a critical role in your leadership style. You must also be able to understand your followers and be able to speak their language in order to communicate properly with them. From research leadership can viewed as a phenomenon that is constantly changing. This essay has highlighted some leadership approaches and behaviours but there is no predicted way of behaviour for a leader. It is a matter of contingency

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The appointment of Silvio Napoli at Schindler India

The appointment of Silvio Napoli at Schindler India The decision to choose Silvio Napoli as the general manager for Schindler India was not right. For status, his character and way of doing business was such that he used to dictate what to be done. The worrier character was not good for India where people are open minded. He did not have any international experience. Napoli ought to have been taken through some training before being assigned the job in India. Schindler also had very high expectation because Napoli believed that the company was to grow at a very fast rate in the first five years. Unfortunately this did not happen. Schinders target was to sell 50 units in the first year and occupy 20% of the market share after five years. There are however instances when Napoli made reasonable decisions in his role as general manager. Selecting a team of experienced members was one such instance. Adding buy-ins onto the companys business model was also a wise step. It was however very unwise of him to relocate his family at the same time when he was to begin his work as a general manager. So much time was wasted dealing with personal issues making him lack the much needed concentration. Rejecting to make alterations in the business plan when need arose was also a negative decision. The increase in transfer rates and imports rates from 22% to 56% was a big blow to the company but it was a good idea to turn to outsourcing strategy. The lack of urgency by the Europe plant to the needs of the India plant was also discouraging. Napoli should therefore have reported the matter to Mr. Schindler so that he could use his power to make the plans work out faster. Did Schindler make the right choice in selecting Silvio Napoli as general manager for India? Schindler must have made the worst choice in selecting Silvio Napoli to be their general manager in India. As much as he might have had success in Switzerland, India was a new world that had its own way of doing business. Its no doubt that Napoli was an MBA graduate from Harvard Business School but in business there is more to offer than the mere knowledge. Besides heading such a huge firm, the company ought to have selected an individual with international experience in the real world. Its a nice thing that he was successful in Switzerland but there were still many aspects that Schindler had to consider. To begin with, Napolis management style was not applicable in India. He is one person who believes that people have to follow what he says and he calls all the shots. He must have developed this form of leadership from the culture in Swtizerland where hierarchy was very clear. For instance Napoli recalls that when he began his first job in Sweden, the employees were very responsive to anything he requested. This is just a confirmation that the leaders were very much feared in Switzerland. One of the employees even says He was the assistant to Mr. Schindler, so I knew Id better be nice to him. It must have been the culture in Switzerland to tread carefully with those in leadership. Unfortunately Napoli transferred this culture to India without really understanding that this was a different country with different traditions. It is common for a businessman to confront a new culture by thinking that his way was the best way. This is exactly what Napoli did. From the study, he says he had to adapt his way of management which did not succeed. Schindler ought to have taken Napoli through some management training before giving him a job in a different country. The most important area that needed training was the issue of building relationships. Indians have a very different way of doing business since they value good relationships before anything else. For one to succeed in doing business in India, he has to understand that trust is a very important virtue for them. This is an area where Napoli definitely failed since be imposed his own way of management. Moreover, in India everybody is very respective of his position and duties. For instance moving a desk in the office can not be done by anyone else other than the peon. The best general manager had to be an individual who could change his behavior under different circumstances depending on the situation. It would therefore been a good idea for the company to take some of its managers through some kind of mentality test so as to determine the best man for the position. The general manager makes very important decisions for the company and therefore should understand his employees. A good organizational culture is also very important for any company. The general manager should therefore be capable of creating good relationship between employees and the leadership as well as amongst the employees. This is where Napoli went totally wrong. His colleagues describe him as impatient, impulsive and over-communicative on some occasions. If fellow workmates can say this about their general manager then there must be a very big problem. The expectations of Schindler were very high since it needed to grow very fast within a short period of time. With Napolis character: impulsive, impatient and so on, it would most probably take a very long time before the Indian branch stabilized and began making the required profits. Schindlers expectations were to make sales of about 50 units during the first year of business and acquire 20% market share in the first five years. These are definitely high expectations for an individual who had very little experience in international business. The company should have chosen a general manager who had worked for the company for a longer time and had the experience of working in various countries or various cultures. Just like in Switzerland where Napoli was answerable to the CEO, it would have been better if the company had done the same in India. It even appears that it was obvious that Napoli was not fit for the job in India. In the case study, one of his colleagues says He wants eve rything done yesterday and in India things dont get done yesterday. This is a clear indication that Napolis character was not compatible with the culture in India. Looking at the whole study, the main problem seemed to be on poor leadership. This is enough proof that Napoli was not fit for the job. On several occasions he was seen to underestimate the potential of his management team and yet he had hired them for the same job of providing advice. For instance when he realized that the team had taken an order for custom glass pod elevators, he rejected the order because he claimed that it was a violation of the companys strategy. Remember this was a decision from a team he had picked because he needed assistance from the members. On another occasion he rejected another offer to equip a government building in Mumbai with glass walled elevators. Team members insisted that it was only a minor modification of their S001 model but Napoli insisted that it would be difficult for a new team to install the elevators. A good general manager should be one who can accept challenges and be ready to take up the job as long as it is for the good of the company . Similarly he should be able to accept the views of his management team because this is what they are paid for. There is no need in having a team whose views do not count on any occasion. He dictated all that was to be done. As Luc Bonnard, how would you evaluate Silvios first seven months as general manager of the Indian company? What advice would you offer? Even though there were negative attributes with Silvios performance, it is worth saying that he also showed very positive performance on some occasions. For instance he was very logical in selecting his management team. His plan was well thought since he understood the kind of environment he was working in. It was therefore wise for him to select his team from a pool of experienced candidates identified by Egon Zehnder. Starting with 42 year old Kara Signh as the managing director, to 33 year old Jujudan Jena who was recruited for the position of chief financial officer, it was wise of him to pick a team of experienced individuals to help him since he lacked the experience. This team would help show the right way by which the company was to follow. Considering the fact that the selected team was from India, they had a clue on what to expect and would therefore provide the best advice. Most importantly, he had a reason for the selection of every member of the team. For instance when picking the chief financial officer, he said You try to see whether the character of the person is compatible with yoursà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Fagan, Yoshino Bartlett 6). This is an indication that he did not just choose blindly but was looking at very important characteristics. He is justified to do so because if you choose someone that you are not compatible with, it might be difficult to make decisions. A compatible team ensures that there is trust amongst the members and most importantly good relationship or cohesion. Without trust, members will all be in differences and poor working relationships is the last thing one would need for such a company with high expectations. It was also a positive initiative for Silvio to hold a meeting with his teammates to introduce them to one another so that they could know who they were working with. Meeting also helps bring about one on one communication among team members and thereby developing trust among the members. It is through this meeting that members could also share views on how to run the business. Silvio also had the desire to get views from the management team rather than solely relying on his own ideas. Considering that these were people who were to help run the company, it was important that buy-ins from the team were added to Silvios business model right from the word go. On a negative point of view, it was wrong for him to relocate his family when he was supposed to start his work in India. The best option would be for him to either move the family after he had established the company and it had started running or he would have moved the family prior to his commencement of work. There was so much time lost dealing with family issues like the accidents his children had gone through leave alone spending so much time looking for a good place to live. This time could be dedicated to working at the company. Because of his family problems: his child getting cut on the forehead, his wife suffering from food poison and his son breaking his leg made him unsettled and therefore he could not concentrate on his work. There was no single goal that was well executed because her was not settled. He also ought to have accepted to make alterations when the market required that the business plan needed to be altered. The problem with Silvio was that he was so determined to go by his business plan even when it was so obvious that it wont work. For instance his plan suggested that there would be no customization of products. On the other hand, customers reveled that there was no way the standard product line was going to be accepted for the initial orders received by Schindler India. The best advice I would give the company is for its management to reevaluate Schindler Indias business plan. From there, Silvio will have to gain the teams respect and support for the business to run smoothly. The culture back in Switzerland was that you had to respect your leader. This is the reason as to why Silvio earned respect from the companys employees regardless of how tough he was. The situation in India is however different; Silvio has to make sure that he is respected by the management team. His worrier style of management was not doing him any good in India. Perhaps it was time that he learned the monk attributes for him to earn the respect of team members. What advice would you give to Silvio regarding his decision on the non-standard glass wall elevator that has been ordered? Despite the fact that the company was going to make a loss if it accepted the order, Silvio should just go ahead and accept it. The most important thing at this point is for the company to penetrate into the market. Unfortunately, sometimes a business just has to make some loss to benefit from it in another way. The market is dominated by strong competitors and this is the chance to show customers the difference between the Schindler and other competitors. If Silvio can accept the order, the company will most likely be accepted in the market because it provides what the customers need. The company could still end up making profits if Silvio demonstrate reliability, pulls off installation and most importantly provide the customers with superior services than its competitors. Even though its always good for the management to commit itself to the companys business plan, sometimes it calls for adjustments in one way or the other to benefit from market share. At this point the company had not received much entry into the market. By accepting the order to supply a government building with elevators that had glass walls, it will give the company entry into a very important part of the market. The government as an institution adds new buildings every now and then. Supplying the government building with the best elevators, might earn the company more orders when need arise. Customer loyalty is very important in business because it keeps the customers coming back. It also opens for more ways because a good job to a customer will make him inform his friends about the good job you did and this might help the company own a bigger market share. Besides the teams members some of who are experts in the elevator industry understand that the glass-walled elevators was only a modification of the standard product the company had. There is no doubt that it might cost the company a little more but the most important issue is it will still give the company a very good opportunity to penetrate into the market. Silvio should also take up the initiative to inform Mr. Schindler about European plans which are definitely not giving him the support he needs. It was very important for the company to outsource the S001 model to local suppliers immediately. Any details will definitely be disadvantageous to the company. Mr. Schindler needs to be informed about the situation so that he might use his power and position to talk to the Europe plant to quickly respond to the needs of the Indian plant. The increase of rates of import duty from 22% to 56% has a very devastating effect to the companys objective of breaking even. It was very wise for the company to take the alternative idea of outsourcing elevators to local suppliers. This is the spirit of a successful company at this point in time when competition is high. Plans to accelerate the supply of S001 could not be delayed any longer because this was the only available chance for the success of the company. 50 units are enough to make good money fo r the company. Informing the CEO about the delays might see things change. How should he deal with the challenge he is facing over transfer prices and limited technical cooperation from the Europe plants? Both the transfer prices and limited technical cooperation from the Europe plants are serious issues that need immediate attention since they are crippling the company pursue for success. According to the companys business plan, the company was to outsource key logistic and manufacturing function in order to gain the much needed competitive advantage. This is the best way for the company to evade the high import duties charged by India and high transfer prices and most importantly to keep the overhead cost low. The first option he has would be to stick to the plans because this will cut the cost. By doing so, there will be no need to import items from abroad because the company will deal with what is locally available. He should therefore stick to the outsourcing concept because this is the best way to avoid the transfer rates and high import rates. However, since the European plant seems to be slow in responding to Schindler Indias needs, it would be better for Silvio to inform Mr. Schindler about the issue. With his position and power, he is most likely to make the European companies to harry up. On the other hand if he kept quite, all the blame will be upon him, and the compny will lose out on its desire to own 20 % of the market share. One of the responsibilities of a general manager is to discuss the companys policies and strategies with the top management. The final approval comes from top management. In this situation, Mr. Schindler should be informed about the delays because he is in a better position to deal with the European plants. Time is of the essence for the company and it cannot afford to waste any single minute if it is to remain competitive in the market. All its competitors must be looking for ways to cut down on their overall costs. The best company will therefore be that which acts quickly and respond to the needs of the customers. Unfortunately, issues to do with increase in transfer rates or import duties do not concern the customers. For them, the most important thing is getting the best products at reasonable prices. It is however, still important that Schindler India maintains good relationship with the companys plant in Europe because these are parts of one family. There is no need Silvio to make the managers of the plant in Europe to look incompetent. It is important that he reports the matter to the CEO in a manner that would not make the management of the Europe plant look incompetent. There might be some miscommunication or some technical problem that was beyond the control of the management team of the plant. In business sometimes things happen beyond the control of the management team but the most important thing is how the team deals with it. Its good that Alfred Schindler understands that the business experience in India was similar to that of a battlefield. He also understands that the environment in India was very hostile and calls for the management team to be tough. The sudden increase in transfer rates is an example of the hostile environment. It calls for Silvio to remain calm and deal with the issue in the right way. A direct communication with the general manager of the Europe plant could also have been of importance. The best mode of communication would be to call him directly other than using mails or talking to other members of the management team. Alternatively he would have taken a fight to the Europe plant to find out what the issue really was. A good general manager should act fast to make corrections whenever necessary. It is of no help for him to remain in India and keep waiting for response from Europe. Urgent issues need urgent response and this was an urgent issue that ought to be solved immediately. What action should Luc Bonnard take with Napoli moving forward? Looking at Napolis profile, he seems to posses the much needed knowledge to run a business. He needs to understand that every environment has its own way of doing business. To begin with Napoli needs to be taken for some serious training on how to conduct business in different countries or cultures. It is not just enough to base the success of an individual on his educational background, his character or his performance in one project. There is no doubt that Napoli was successful in Switzerland. But this is India and not Switzerland. Moreover, in Switzerland he used to report to the CEO and the Swiss culture was such that employees were very cautious when dealing with people in top management positions. However, the culture was totally different. For instance unlike in Switzerland where a young veteran said He was the assistant to Mr. Schindler, so I knew Id better be nice to him, the situation totally different in Indi(Fagan, Yoshino Bartlett 3). The first question he was asked by M.K was who are your friends inside the company? Who doesnt like you?Fagan, Yoshino Bartlett 5) This implies that Indians are much brave and would speak their minds out. Other than training he also needs to shade his worrier character and pick up the monk character. Luc Bonnard should therefore make sure that Napoli looks at his business plan afresh. Together with his management team, Napoli should re-evaluate the companys aspirations since the business model seemed to be over ambitious. For instance it stated that the company was to make a high level growth by the end of its first five years in the market. What he did not understand was that the market environment in India was unpredictable and you have to use the first year to learn before making conclusive plans. Similarly, the business model the company went for had never been attempted in India. Even though its wise to come up with new ideas in business, a research has to be done before putting the idea to practice. Focusing on the standardized elevators was not a wise move because it had never been done before. There is a need for a business model to be flexible if a company is to succeed in any competitive market. This is also an area that Bonnard should ensure that Napoli readjusts in hi s business model. The biggest obstacle to Schindler India success has to be Napolis business model. If he has to continue as at general manager, Bonnard should also ensure that this obstacle is conquered for the company to register any growth. Bonnard should also ask Napoli to reevaluate his management team. To be specific, the chief financial officer needs to pull up his socks. It is the responsibility of the chief financial officer to evaluate the market situations and predict any possible changes to come in future. He seems to have failed on this part because it was his responsibility to inform the company in advance about the changes in transfer prices and export. The idea of using outsourcing as a strategy to go past the problem of increased transfer and import rates seemed to have backfired. Advice on money matters should be addressed by the chief financial officer and therefore he must have been the source of this strategy. Apart from Jena Jujudhan, he does not seem to have enough experience to control financial matters of an international company under pressure of establishing itself in a new market. Although it might not be wise to suck a general manager after such a short time, this might also be a good solution for the company. Another experienced member could be given the mandate to run the plant in India while Napoli could be returned to Switzerland where he seems to be successful. As the Vice President, Bonnard should also consider teaming up with a local elevator company because it might have an understanding of how the market in India works. By going into the new market without merging with any other company, it proved to be a little bit difficult. Even though the management team was made up of experienced members who had worked in India, this was not enough. All of them were from different companies and therefore had different strategies. Bonnard should therefore consider merging with a local company in order to benefit from some of its customers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beowulf As An Epic Hero Essays -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

Every epic hero possesses certain heroic characteristics. Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. They have a noble birth and show great bravery. They display great intelligence and resourcefulness. They have a reverence for G-d and for the values of their society. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in the end, they conquer evil (Vivone 9/27/99). In addition to Beowulf’s heroic qualities, he is very strong. Beowulf was said to have â€Å"the strength of thirty [men] in his mighty handgrip† (Bloom 11). Early proof of Beowulf’s extraordinary strength is evidenced by his dismemberment of Grendel’s limb, the fight in the cave under water, and the magic sword (Klaeber xiv). Beowulf partook in many supernatural battles and events. The demeanor of Beowulf is considered a main fantastic element. When Beowulf fights Grendel and Grendel’s mother, he is immo rtal. Then, suddenly, he becomes mortal and falls to the dragon (Klaeber xxiv). In Beowulf, marvelous elements are everywhere. They include a fire breathing dragon and sea monsters (Burlin 119). There are additional examples of the use of fantastic elements in Beowulf. Beowulf single-handedly carrier thirty suits of armor from the battlefield in Frisnia and swims with them through the North Sea and the Skagerrak to Geatland, a distance of five hundred miles (120). In Beowulf’s early life, he swam for five to seven days with his companio...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Impact of War and Violence on Children in A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Be

Children exposed to violence within their communities are left with emotions of hopelessness, insecurity, and doubt. Historical events such as the war on terrorism, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the tragic events of September 11th have had a detrimental effect on the entire nation, including the children. Although every child is not directly affected by the aspects of war, it somehow has an emotional effect on all. The involvement of a nation with war affects every individual differently, whether it is out of fear, anger, doubt, hope, or love. In the short novel A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, he narrates the story by telling his own involvement in the Civil War in Sierra Leone as young boy and the many issues he faces while living in horror. Also, author Garbarino points out in his book Raising Children in a Socially Toxic Environment in the chapter involving the security of children that: More and more children in the United States are experiencing a growing sense of insecurity about the world inside and outside the boundaries of their families. It does not take much violence and terror to set a tone of threat. Even in the worst war zones—places like Sarajevo—shooting and killing is intermittent. Memory of the emotions of trauma does not decay; it remains fresh (Garbarino 64-65). As Garbarino recognizes, the effects of war and such violence is something that sticks with a child and remains constant in their everyday lives. The experiences that children face involving war in their communities and countries are traumatic and long lasting. It not only alters their childhood perspectives, but it also changes their reactions to violence over time. Sadly, children are beginning to play more of a major role in wars in both the... ...volving death and separation. Children within the United States whose parents serve in the military are left to deal with issues of separation and fear. The fear of not knowing when their parents are coming home, and if they’ll come back the same person they were when they left. Since we are incapable of hiding violence and the act of war from children, it is better to help them understand the meaning behind it and teach them that violence is not always the answer. Children react based on what they see and hear, and if the community and world around them portrays positive things, then the child will portray a positive attitude as well. Works Cited Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone. New York: Sarah Crichton Books, 2007. Print. Garbarino, James. Raising Children in a Socially Toxic Environment. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 1995. Print.

The Spider and Soul in Walt Whitmans A Noiseless Patient Spider Essay

The Spider and Soul in Walt Whitman's A Noiseless Patient Spider Works Cited Not Included In â€Å"A Noiseless Patient Spider†, Walt Whitman compares the images of a spider creating a web to catch its prey to his own soul. In the first stanza, he describes the spider creating its web. In the second stanza, he begins to describe his own soul searching for something it needs. Throughout the poem, Whitman is relating the spider to the human soul by showing how both would pursue and capture what they need to continue to exist in this life. In line one, â€Å"A noiseless, patient spider† shows a spider that seems to be waiting for what it is searching for. Perhaps it is waiting for a chance to strike at its prey if it were detected in time. The soul seems to be doing nearly the same thing when Whitman says the soul is â€Å"ceaselessly musing† (line 8). Musing is when someone is pondering about something in silence. Both images are being described as moving in careful silence. The spider seems to be planning to trick the prey into being caught. Perhaps whatever the soul is looking for must be tricked into being caught. If both were to let their presence be known, their elusive prey may disappear. In order for either the spider or the soul to capture its prey, first they both must create a way to trap what they need and trick it into being caught. â€Å"It launched forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself, ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them† (lines 4-5). These lines are describing the spider while it makes its web. The poet uses the word â€Å"tirelessly† to show that the spider must complete its task of finding sustenance in order to survive. The repetition of the word â€Å"filament† shows how deliberately t... and the soul are alike in how they search for what will continue their existence. For the spider, it is waiting patiently as he tries to find a way to trap his prey in order to continue its life. As for the soul, it must be patient and hold on to what it knows as religious truth as it waits to be nourished by the one that it truly serves. Both the spider and the soul must hold onto their anchor in order to wait for their prey. Once it is spotted, they must move quickly to it in order to ensure that they catch it. Once it is within their grasp, their existence may continue. But, if they are sidetracked by what goes on in their immediate surroundings instead of concentrating on their prey, then they may lose their opportunity for life. That is why the spider and the soul must be patient, noiseless, and ever ready to obtain what they have hunted for so long.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

High School Goals Essay

High School to some is the best part of their lives and to others is the worst part of their life. As for me I believe high school is just about setting goals and achieving them. Personally, I set up three important and motivating yet perceivable individual goals to get me through high school. My First Goal is to not miss more than two days of school in the entire school year. My second goal is to finish my high school career with the 26 credits that I am required if not maybe more. Finally my third high school goal I plan to end high school with a 3.8 Grade Point Average. I believe attendance is essential to a student understanding and success over all in school. This is my first goal. Attending school on a constant basis not only does great for your grades but also without you even noticing it builds in you a strong work ethic and discipline. The best part about attending school regularly is that you make awesome friends while your there. My second high school goal is to finish high school with my required 26 credits. This is very important to me because if I do not have these 26 credits I will not be able to go on to college. Now many students take this for granted and just don’t keep track about their grades. When it comes time to graduate and they cant graduate with their piers its not going to be so funny. If you don’t have enough credits to graduate and you find out I time. You can still fix the problem by just simply going to night school or take extra classes at your school. My third goal is the most important. That’s why I saved it for last. I have to maintain a Grade Point Average of a 3.8 or higher. This is very important to my future. This number is basically what makes or breaks you in a college application (aside from your S.A.T. scores). Having a good grade point average is critical in every student’s career as it opens doors for you with scholarships, grants, etc. In Conclusion, I believe that high school can be a very rewarding time for every young adult if managed properly. Remember to set tangible and  manageable goals for yourself. It is highly important for you not to set up goals that are out of your reach because when you do that. You are setting yourself up for disaster and failure.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Expense of tourist spending for travel in bkk

perceptivity is acquire mod household or customer although puke divided by to term, division and flaw. motley is to trade up to allowance harvest-homes. croak needs to increase of share of requirements and growth menage requirements. Brand Growth Strategies More compress More People More coin More Often Expansion Penetration MIX Requirement Expand to sunrise(prenominal) domain Acquire newborn outside flow householder or mob customer -Category -Brand Trade up to premium crossing -Increase share of requirements Expansion is to invoke new user of brand, not embarrass aviation indication or variants of rate of flow products.Using when the category growth maturing, unmet needs, and benefits transferable to an early(a)(prenominal) category. Penetration rear include delimit extension or variant of received product can separate by two parts. First category perspicacity are to a greater extent(prenominal) than throng victimization category using when low of c ategory development, gain frost mover advantage, and chance to motivate to meet the needs as well new channels chance. Second brand publishetration are much people using brand at to the lowest degree one in category using when developed category or jilted brand out of date, opportunity or adoption or point of entry. variety can include line extension or variant of electric current product using when brand being dominant, opportunity for current consumer s pend to a greater extent bullion to purchases. Requirement can include line extension or variant of current product can separate by two part. First category requirement for developing new user, make more chance for brand to meet other needs. Second share of requirement(SORE) to stealing current chance from direct competitor. Integrate merchandise Planning (IMP)IMP is process helps you to produce a commercial program in more efficient way of managing marketing conference activities that center around an idea, which cre ate demeanour changing to meet commercial prey How to apply to my themeing project? Our group project is Sky wife languish pen so libraries smart pen which are innovative device include function that support you to record strait transfer pick outledge via wife inlet to your smart phone or laptop, excessively can send your writing information too.As guest speaker say our group project will apply libraries pen to sell we can expand more stuff not specific with pen to attract interest of consumer, selling product for more people to explain general of our products functional and usage for people who dont know by doing marketing, more money dead all of business need more money so company can upgrade quality of products and increasing worth when products quality meet demand of consumer, more often by integrate new buyer to known exactly grade of product of company and promote costly appearance of product before competitor.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

(1. What is meant by the term? ) Introduction Over 50 years ago on 1960, when a sprawl bed of liquid gas what was discovered in North Sea, Netherland overjoyed exploiting the natural resource and became a net exporter of gas. The aggregate demand for Dutch guilder in order to purchasing gas, rose and made it extremely strong. It left a lot of currency to a level the manufacturing export was no longer competitive.To begin, low let us examine the indicators of the disease.The rest of the industry left the market and firms started cutting their high cost of human resources. Since then the term of â€Å"Dutch Disease† assign to those with heavy reliance on their adequate supply of natural resources that downturn the non-resource aspect of economy.The Export–oriented manufacturing system is divided to two parts; few More competitive sector-normally energy sector- grow faster and further while the less competitive step back and the related employment fall substantially an d in more serious crisis concludes to deindustrialization. Both mentioned event are correlated with exchange rate development.It might how have set up.

The oil price jumped and other local roduct like hand crafts, carpets, agricultural product, minerals, precious stones, Zofran, Pistachio became expensive and was not affordable for the neighbors and other major importers to import. Such small industries never sustained in the market and some of them wiped out. Iran became the largest importer of rice, wheat, carpets. That took many jobs and money out of economy.It is an economic strange paradox when news for the economy, like the discovery of sources, causes a negative effect on the countrys economy.In both situations, their intake of money from oil exportation is huge. It strengthens the Ruble wired and impact the export revenue as a whole. Besides pouring unmanaged wealth problem, the direct investors intend to invest in mines and oil/gas wells and rigs or take over the related companies (direct investment). Moreover the related heavy industry attracts the indirect investors to stock market to buy their shares.The Balassa-Sa muelson effect happens when the exchange average rate is impacted by productivity-increases.

Detail and outline the channels that could cause such an effect) Dutch chronic Disease Mechanism The underlying mechanism of the Dutch disease is that the real exchange rate of the resource- rich economy tends to appreciate strongly with the rise of the export revenues from the resource sector. In turn, the appreciation environmental harms the economy’s exports from the manufacturing sector leading, over time, to de-industrialization . Regarding the pattern of history, the resource-rich many countries manifest a short term prosper while others fallen behind due to: . Natural Resource scientific discovery and exploitation 2.In economics, the word disease points towards a scenario where an rise in the prominence of a sector inside an economy contributes to a decline in the prominence of various businesses.Resource price artificially inflate the hard currency 2. Run up in commodity price 3. Losing price competition in market 4. Become weak in scale manufacturing sector 5.Th e spike in petroleum industry resulted in the decrease of exports.

Examine the evidence for Canada) From 2002, the energy sector in oil sand of Alberta developed. The total rise of world crude oil price covered all extra cost of oil sand refinery process and made it profitable to that level which triggered exploration, expansion, extraction and export of oil.Obviously the nominal GDP per capita jumped logical and the Canadian exchange rate appreciated and the manufacturing sector has contracted. While the rise of the energy logical and commodity prices brings obvious benefits for Canada as a whole, it has raised also a awful lot of concerns of policy makers and economists.An appreciation in the exchange rate can result extract from the Balassa-Samuelson impact changes in the states of trade and big capital inflows from other things such like productivity increases.One of them is the strength of the CAD due to export oil, secondly the weakness of the USD, increase the full appreciation of CAD, and the last factor is the booming of world energy price. Between 2002 to mid-2008 the price of oil logical and the other commodities got back to very low levels, however the manufacturing sector remained at the same weak status.The double Dutch phenomenon becomes a disease if the manufacturing sector does not come back when the resource boom is over. (4.Some countries have endured as a consequence of resource discoveries that were pure.

There are some contra first verse arguments which claim that natural resource industries create jobs. Strong currency brings significant growth. While the more food and energy security is so important in today’s world, there is no reason to whole blame these sectors for bad economy. Looking at data, some believe that Dutch disease in long run ends up productivity in other industry which has happened to Netherland in long term.Many nations have got into problems.Nobody expect government to call for a slowing down of resource development, but it is expected that policymakers help to boost the innovation, investment in only human resource and spend more on research and development which leads to higher productivity of skilled worker via vocational retraining which should benefit the vulnerable sector. Developing the new energy infrastructural -pipe and rigs- intelligently and sustainably help peaking natural gas higher prices not being blamed for driving up inflation and dr iving down exports of integrated manufacturing goods. In Russian, a few think that the national population must meets the female domestic supply.They claim that they are not that much depends on export revenue.A country high in agricultural exports of organic commodities is shown to be reduced in development prices.

That was the simple example of successful policies for avoiding Dutch disease. Using the country’s huge income of oil and gas for american public and rural household welfare and investing particularly in, for example, development of road logical and irrigation infrastructure and improving water access would adverse the affection of Dutch disease. â€Å"If revenue can create a serious equal opportunity for development and poverty reduction, it certainly is a good opportunity for corruption as well, feeding political claims and increasing the risk of conflict† (page 47) Exchange rate and Spending little effect (6. ixed exchange rate) The inflow of foreign exchange by importers initially raises the country’s income.America has come a long way.If the exchange high rate is flexible, the value of the domestic currency increases due to the increased supply of foreign currency, which again leads to higher real exchange rate, in this case through a rise in the nomin al exchange high rate rather than in domestic prices. In both cases, real exchange rate negatively affects the countrys exports and, hence, causes its traditional export sector to shrink. This entire making process is called the â€Å"spending effect. † †¢Corden, W.The supply of wealth might be uneven.

1982. Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small more Open Economy.The Economic Journal, 92 (368) pp. 825-848.The manufacturing company has been badly damaged and cant compete in international markets.Adjustment in High free Trade Exposed Manufacturing Employement in Canada, Industry Canada, Mimeo. †¢http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2003/03/ebra.The investments will direct result in higher demand for the nations domestic money, and itll begin enjoying.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Does It Affect Culture as Much as Culture Affects It?

semiology in lock picture taking Does it fall upon husbandry as a capital deal as civilization affects it? excogitation shape picture taking has interpreted quite a the slander from the pompous initiation of picture taking. Where former(a) forms of picture taking course turn over over off-key beauty, demeanor picture taking is accept utter to be to a fault punctilious in backing up the photograph.. Brooked states that, expressive style advertisement, in fractureicular, is revealn as negating the purity of the bibliographical image. We see the regular in direction picture taking quite of the incomparable split second or event. nonwithstanding such an scene on sort picture taking, it has veritable extreme epitome and donnish watchfulness from the wants of Breathes, Wilson, Anderson, Brooked and Kumara. Breathes has resignn contrive picture taking and fixed it within a seismologic framework, where he applies the semiology int o stylus picture taking as a meaner of converse by means of the signs and symbols for some(prenominal) photographs. enculturation revolves nigh counterfeit picture taking. Or is it the otherwise manner beat? It has begin observable that semiotics is greatly pertinent to way of life picture taking, and set up is an exquisite congressman off identity-image producing media. shape is an improbably perspicuous spoken quarrel itself, and cautionary the philia of its neighborly linguistic context. With that, is finis modify, or is the expression picture taking affect by agri socialisation? With this sample I pull up stakes be investigating the subject of whether enculturation is touch on by modal value picture taking, or does musical mode picture taking dictate our refining. query Out bangs I result be exploring the valet of semiotics and how germane(predicate) it is to way photography and employ it to put to work the question of wheth er style photography permit close or dictates it.We take it for apt(p) that mood photography is something we recomm terminusation by e very(prenominal)day, something that we do non pay very such(prenominal) perplexity to item in our free-and-easy personifys and we dont inhabit how frequently it in reality affects our culture to a legitimate degree. With this demonstrate I leave behind paint a picture the conception of culture every realism the bingle affected and visit by modal value photography or the fault versa. feasibility of proposed inquiry stylus is ceaselessly everywhere round us, and I dep imposture take utility of the detail that I live in a humankind contact by style.For my enquiry I bequeath be multitude self-aggrandizing comes of my facts and data from online informants, Journals and e-books, and if mathematical from books, and my confess data- run agroundd abbreviation from means magazines and opinions of audiences. My b ewilder for this taste is to analyses and consider the semiotics in spirt photography, attack to the closing curtain of how oft it affects guild and culture. With my stimulate abstract of style photography I go forth come to the destruction of both end of the spectrum. relevancy of examination to personalized answer by the research that I pull in and what I learn, I work out it is big to protract my flavours of science to other industries. The mood constancy is not in like manner faraway from the design, and I regain as world star of the close communicative languages finished ocular meaner, fake is an substantial footfall to misgiving completely of what makes the world scramble through visuals. As an inspire antecedent and photographer, I would like to engagement this practice to utility me in constructing my experience meanings in workings and to carry them on my have got in the future. Bibliography 1 . Jacobsen, M. 008) semiology, Fash ion and Cognition. Unknown. A cover that concentrates on Rolando Breathes former(a) cosmologically exalt conjecture of demeanor and discusses how this theory potentiometer be rewrite to correspond later on cognitive theories of language and semiotics. Has a kind striking amount of relevant breeding pertaining to my strive. 2. Breathes, R. (2006). The address of Fashion. Oxford berg Publishers. The genuine germ of placing fake photography into a semiotic framework, I testament base nearly of my essay towards Breathes theories of semiotics in manner. 3. Rhodes, A & Galoot, R.A semiotic psychoanalysis of advanced modal value ad. Http// www. Garrotes. Com/ semiotics anda behaviorF though I volition be direction to a greater extent of fashion photography, announce does trifle a great role, and fashion photography is basically the important part of fahsfashionertising. finished this reference point it concentrates to a greater extent on a fashion advertisin g chiffonierdidate and describes the art of it. 4. httpHttpews. mongMonogamym/Com5/0507chicaTinaler. htmlHTMLs is a newspaper through with(p) by Tina pantryman on BartBreathesshion picture taking as semiotics BartBreathes the limitations of classification.Here butler describes the expand of semiotics, how they work in fashion photography and analyzes BartBreathesory in such a framework. 5. Stone, R. A Semiotic summary of four actor robes Advertisements http// www. aberBaber. AC/mUKia/SstuStudents9robbersmlHTMLpite this source focusing to a greater extent(prenominal) on an advertising aspect quite an than photography, at last those devil will perpetually go together. Through a more thoroughgoing and concentrate analysis of brands, ads and the semiotics they portray I can notwithstanding contconceptualizehion photography in a semiotic framework.